Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Spiralizer tales

After having put on 5 kilos last year ( I wonder why?), I decided that singlehood and weight gain just don't go together and looked into ways to combat the girth. And mysteriously, the universe conspired and I saw an article on my twitter feed, on 'Voodles'. Voo-what? 'Voodles' - Vegetable noodles - how neat is that name? These are basically the low and slow carb alternative to pasta, as they are made entirely of fresh veg like carrots, zucchini, beetroot etc. Not convinced? Let's do some numbers:

100 gms of wholewheat, cooked pasta is roughly  94 calories
100 gms of white, cooked pasta is roughly 176 calories !!!
100 gms of courgette/carrots is about 54 calories

But, can we be realistic? WHO eats 100 gms of cooked pasta btw? A toddler! Most people eat about 200 gms ( I eat less of wholewheat coz it's pretty yucky) so just in a bowl of pasta, without sauce, you are putting in about 342 calories! That's a lot! Now take voodles, you can eat 3 times that of voodles for less than half the calories at 162 calories!!!! Added benefit of eating more veg than you have ever eaten before. And subsequent toilet.. ahem cough cough...
Freshly made zucchini voodles
The article did a comparative on all the different machines to make voodles and where to buy this machine - turns out that Amazon has the monopoly! I was so taken in and my body looked so fluffed out that I looked at all the models and after deciding that mine wasn't a commercial kitchen where I would need to make 10 kilos of the stuff ( The oo la la fancy schmancy machine that stands on its own and looks like a cross between a guillotine and an MRI scanner) and neither was I going to ruin my wrists by hand twisting 200 gms of voodles in a painful hour, I decided on the wonder you see at the top. BRILLIANT. Easy to use once you get the hang of it, with 4 settings which go from a simple chop to julienne to voodle plus easy to wash and store - I LOVE it. Plus you also get a bowl where you can store any extra voodles, with lid. 

-How long does it take to make voodles?
Once you have washed and or peeled your veg, make sure one end is flat, skewer it in the machine and crank! Barely 5 mins!
-What do you do with the Voodles once made?
You can stir fry them for a minute or steam them for 3 minutes or just use them raw, instead of pasta
-Is it like real pasta?
Of course not, dumbass! BUT they almost mimic the real thing and you can add any sauce you like, like with real pasta
-But I love pasta
I bet you like the bloating and heaviness too? 
-Sulk, whine, sulk
Hey, this is a great way to catch up on your veg portions too plus unblock your system with all the extra fibre :-)

Tomatoey Seitan on voodles


  1. Mulie ... This looks like my kinda food!!!

  2. What vegetable are you showing made up into voodles here?

    1. Kiyokow, those voodles are made with zucchini
