Tuesday, 31 May 2016

How to make soya milk

Lately, I am on a mission to reduce my household wastes and at the moment, tetra-bricks are a huge pain so wondered if I could make my own soya milk. As one does nowadays, you consult the internet before you even breathe, right? So, of course I did. And came across a lot of info and it took me a few takes and, ta taaaaan: 

Blended mix
125 gms soya beans
1.5 ltrs water
Vanilla essence or pod
Stevia or sugar
Leave the soya beans to soak in a bowl of hot water overnight.
Next morning, rinse the beans out. 
Put them in the microwave for 2 mins on max intensity to get rid of the beany flavour.
Now put them in a blender with about half the 1.5 litres of water and spritz till you get a thick, smooth soup.
Retire blender.
Now add the rest of the water and stir.
Prepare a large saucepan. Sieve the soup till you get the pulp or okara ( as dry as possible) in the sieve and the milk in the saucepan.

'Okara' and milk
Reserve the 'Okara'- you shall throw it away on pain of death! (More nagging below)
Meanwhile back in the sweatshop, heat your milk for about 10 mins. This is when I'd add the opened vanilla pod or vanilla essence. 
Let it boil away, whisking once in a while and making sure the pot don't boil (over), so watch it! 
Remove froth if you wish- I do; it gets weirdly lumpy and I am not a fan of lumpy froth, so shoot me!
Add a pinch of salt and some stevia to taste.
Once cool, bottle and pop in the fridge, ensuring you drink this within 3 days.
It's not as tasty as commercial drinks but I'd rather this fresh, additive and tetra-brick free drink which comes out much cheaper too.

A note on Okara: Do NOT, and I mean that, throw away! Tis a low fat, protein and mineral rich paste you can use to make spongy pancakes/cakes/pizza base/biscuit...you name it! It is mild tasting and delicious and can even be stir fried and used as a lower carb filler. Yum! Bear in mind it has a 3-day expiry date so get creative!

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