Makes 1 large yummilicious loaf
400 gms wholewheat flour
100 gms white flour
7 gms of dried yeast
11/2 tsp salt
300 ml warm water
1 tbsp olive oil or butter
2 tbsp poppy seed
2 tbsp sunflower seed ( you can add a combo of whichever seeds you like)
Mix everything except the water in a large bowl.
Now add the water and form a dough which should be soft.
Kneed for 8-10 minutes until elasticky.
Now cover your bowl with a wet tea towel, pop the bowl in a warm place ( mine is the oven) and wait for an hour for the first rise. Watch a film/serie, knit or whatever to take your mind off the time.
Now grease a large bread tin and plop your mix in. Yes, 'plop' can be used as a verb too.
Sprinkle some more seeds onto the surface of your dough and press them lightly in.
Cover with the wet tea towel once more, pop back in your warm place ( ahem) and wait for the proofing which should take another hour.
55 minutes into your proofing, heat up your oven. Don't forget to add a baking tin with water in it. This is a baker's trick to get a lovely crusty bread and the only way a home baker can make their oven compete with a professional steam oven.
When your alarm rings, carefully take out your tin and tap the bottom for a hollow noise which means the bread is done.
Below is a version I made with just white flour and flax seeds, poppy seeds, sunflower seeds...mmmmmm
I can smell the heavenly scent from across the ocean. Oh, for a generous portion of salted butter melting into warm slices of this bread!