Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Unusual dumpling delight

Funny how most restaurants, be they Chinese, Japanese, Mexican or whichever, try to outdo each other in how similar their menus can be. I prefer to leave these restaurants to their faithful flock and try new places or dishes and follow Star Trek's vision, "to explore strange new (foods), to seek out new (dishes) and new (restaurants), to boldly go where no (cowardly) one has gone before. Oops, sorry Ye Trekkies but shhhhhh, I am a trekkie too so am allowed!

The above is a meatball dumpling which has been covered in glutinous rice and steamed. Absolutely delicious and definitely to be tried out at home. 

1 comment:

  1. could be good..but impossible to even come close to imagining ...perhaps if you had cut one in half it might have helped ....
    but in the end .. guess I will just trust you
